Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Playing with Color

Setting up a shoot can be difficult, and they dont always go as planned. But through the struggles you can find great photos, ready to be shot. Thats exactly what happened when I went to my bathtub to take these photos. I was inspired by a passage in my book, "The Photographers Handbook" by John Hedgecoe and how he explains that you should "avoid complicated compositions, and choose well-saturated colors placed adjacently to each other" (149). He gives an example of a red farmhouse in a green field. When trying to think of items that would provide me with a pop of color, I came upon the idea of using dyes in water.

When setting up my shoot, I grabbed a lamp for light, my bathtub and food coloring. While taking pictures, I kept in mind some of the things Hedgecoe said, like how pictures with strong colors are strong, provided they are kept simple (Hedgecoe 149). I edited the photos on the app Aviary to bring out the color in the dyes because of the bad camera quality of my moms iPhone.

Photography is one of my passions, so I had a lot of fun with this shoot, and I ultimately was happy with the final product. The first is purple dye, and the second is blue and yellow going down the drain. The quality isnt the best after editing on a phone and sending it through email, but its the best I could do.

What are the most creative shoots youve ever done?

Hedgecoe, John. The Photographers Handbook: A Complete Reference Manual of Techniques, Procedures, Equipment and Style. New York: Knopf, 1977. Print.

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